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Green Product Awards 2024 – We are nominated

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Green Product Awards 2024 – We are nominated

For the 11th edition of the Green Product Award, over 1500 participants from 54 countries applied. After evaluation based on the criteria of design, innovation, and sustainability, the best submissions were nominated. ChargePost is one of the nominees in the Mobility category.

About our submission: ChargePost is a battery-buffered fast charging station that enables grid-independent charging of electric vehicles within minutes. Thanks to the integrated battery storage, energy from the existing power grid can be continuously stored. When a vehicle needs to be charged, it can be done with a charging power of up to 300 kW, regardless of the power available from the grid. By integrating a PV system, for example, self-generated electricity can be used for charging, making the solution particularly sustainable.

"ChargePost" is a good example of the level of creativity and passion with which our nominees contribute to a more sustainable future." - Nils Bader, Director of Green Product Awards

Until January 14th, the online public voting is taking place, where we are also represented:

ChargePost | Green Product Award (

We would appreciate your support in the form of a mention, so that we have a reason to celebrate at the awards ceremony in April.

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Stephannie Depa - USA

Stephannie Depa - USA

Press contact Breakaway Communications +1 530 864 0136
Dennis Mueller

Dennis Mueller

Press contact SVP Product Marketing & Communication ADS-TEC Energy